SCWA Latest News Updates | Friday 14th June 2024

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Dear SCWA Community,

This week at SCWA, we have witnessed outstanding demonstrations of our core values, particularly highlighted by the heartwarming initiative from Frankie and Oseiwe of Dean School. Their thoughtful use of the Jack Petchey Foundation award to arrange an educational safari for their classmates at Port Lympne Safari Park has beautifully showcased our commitment to fellowship.

In other news, our Year 10 and 12 pupils have approached their mock examinations with diligence and have been commended by the exam invigilators for their exemplary conduct and maturity. This week also marks the final week of examinations for our Year 11 and 13 students. Throughout this period, they have shown an unwavering commitment to scholarship. On behalf of everyone at SCWA, I wish our departing students the very best as they conclude their exams; we look forward to welcoming them back on results day in August to celebrate their achievements together.

Here’s to another great week at SCWA!

Joseph Sparks | Principal, Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy

Dean School Students Organise Educational Safari Trip

Dean School students, Frankie and Oseiwe, recently treated their classmates to a memorable and educational trip to Port Lympne Safari Park in Kent. Both students were recipients of the ‘Outstanding Achiever’ award from the Jack Petchey Foundation, recognised for their personal resilience and positive impact on their school community.

Frankie earned his award by overcoming significant learning barriers and becoming a role model through his resilience and determination in his studies. Oseiwe, despite facing challenging changes at home and managing his ASD diagnosis, has consistently brought a positive attitude to school, demonstrating an eagerness to learn and always greeting his school day with a smile.

The boys chose to use the cash prize from their award to fund a safari adventure for their entire small school. The trip to Port Lympne proved to be an exceptional day out, enriching the students’ understanding of wildlife conservation while creating lasting memories.

Ms Bartlett, SENCo, expressed her pride in Frankie and Oseiwe: “We are incredibly proud of Frankie and Oseiwe for their remarkable achievements and resilience. It was wonderful to see them use their prize from the Jack Petchey Foundation to celebrate with their peers. Their decision to organise a trip to Port Lympne Safari Park as a way to share their success exemplifies their generosity and community spirit. This day was not only a celebration of their achievements but also an enriching experience that brought joy and learning to everyone in the Dean School.”

Update on Year 10 and 12 Work Experience

The final deadline for uploading work experience placements onto Unifrog was Friday, 14 June 2024. Students in Years 10 and 12 who have not secured an external placement for the period from Monday, 8 July to Friday, 19 July 2024, will participate in a two-week work experience programme within the academy. The schedule for this internal programme will be shared shortly with the relevant students and their parents/carers.

Ms Collier, Head of Arden, said: “I am delighted to report that over 90% of our Year 10 and 12 pupils have secured excellent work experience opportunities across a variety of industries. We have students placed in sectors such as finance, technology, healthcare, and the creative arts, which will provide them with invaluable real-world experience. Should you have any questions regarding outstanding placements or require further assistance, please contact me at We are committed to ensuring that all students have a productive and educational work experience, whether externally or within the Academy.”

Final Week of Year 11 Examinations

As the Year 11 examination period draws to a close next week, we continue to encourage all students to participate in their final warm-up session. The schedule for the upcoming week’s examination and warm-up sessions is now available here.

Mr Sparks, Principal, expressed his pride in the Year 11 students: “I am incredibly proud of our Year 11 pupils, who have shown tremendous resilience and determination throughout their examination period. We wish all our Year 11 students the best as they conclude their exams and move forward into a well-deserved summer break. We are eager to see them back for results day in August and celebrate their achievements together.”

Final Week of Year 13 Examinations

As the Year 13 examination period concludes next week, we continue to encourage all students to attend each scheduled warm-up session. These sessions are crucial for ensuring students are fully prepared for their final examinations. The schedule for the upcoming week’s examination and warm-up sessions is available here.

Ms Collier, Head of Arden, praised the Year 13 students, saying, “I would like to extend my congratulations to the Year 13 students for their hard work throughout the five-week examination period. We wish them a wonderful extended summer and all the best in their future endeavours. We are looking forward to celebrating with them on results day in August.”

Mock Examinations Update for Year 10

Next week, Year 10 students at Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy will continue their mock examinations. The full mock examination schedule can be found here.

Morning examinations will start at 08:45, with pupils required to register in the courtyard from 08:30. Afternoon exams will commence at 13:15, with registration starting at 13:05 unless otherwise specified on the timetable.

To further support our students, we are offering a series of after-school revision booster and pre-examination warm-up sessions. These are designed to provide last-minute hints and tips for success, and attendance is expected for all pupils. The full schedule for these sessions can be found here.

Mock Examinations Update for Year 12

The Year 12 mock examination period will continue next week. To ensure our students are fully prepared, we will be conducting a series of warm-up sessions prior to each examination. These sessions are designed to provide focused revision activities and essential reminders.

Warm-Up Session Schedule

  • Morning Examinations: Warm-up sessions will run from 07:45 to 08:30 for all morning examinations. Examinations will start at 08:45 each morning. Students will be registered in the quad prior to each examination.
  • Afternoon Examinations: Warm-up sessions will take place from 13:15 to 14:15 for all afternoon examinations scheduled for the following day. Examinations will start at 13:15 each afternoon. Students will also be registered in the quad prior to each examination.

Daily School Attendance: Normal Year 12 lessons will continue throughout the examination period, and all students are expected to attend school every day, regardless of whether they have an examination. These lessons will provide valuable revision opportunities. For subjects that do not have mock examinations, students will attend the Academy and follow their normal timetable as usual.

For a detailed plan of the examinations and warm-up sessions, please click here.

A Successful Year 10 Parents’ Evening

Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy is delighted to report the success of the Year 10 Parents’ Evening held on Thursday, 13 June 2024. The event saw an impressive turnout, with over 1,400 appointments booked and attended, demonstrating a high level of parental engagement. Ms Kalote, Assistant Principal, said: “We appreciate the commitment and involvement of our parents and carers. Thank you to everyone who participated for their support and dedication. We look forward to continuing this collaborative effort in the future.”

Reminder: Year 12 Parents’ Evening

We would like to remind parents and carers that the Year 12 Parents’ Evening is scheduled for Thursday, 27 June 2024, from 16:00 to 19:00. This face-to-face event provides an excellent opportunity to discuss your child’s academic progress directly with their teachers. The appointment booking system will remain available until 12:00 on Wednesday, 26 June 2024. We encourage parents and carers to book early to secure their preferred meeting times.

Appointments can be made through the academy’s designated booking site. Detailed instructions are available here. For assistance or additional information, please contact Ms Amandeep Kalote at We look forward to engaging with you about your child’s progress and development.