School trips form an important part of academy life and are often the most memorable when we look back on our school days.
Trips to art galleries, museums, theatre, are regularly organised to enrich students’ cultural experience and support learning in the classroom. The Academy ensures that no students’ learning is disadvantaged and applications for financial support for trips linked to the curriculum should be made to our finance department.
Residential trips to Europe and the USA are organised. The trips page on our website is regularly updated with planned trips and gives details on the date, cost and payment schedule to help families budget.
All trips and enrichments are subject to current Government guidelines.
Lunch-time and After-school Clubs
Staff offer a wide range of lunchtime and after-school clubs to cater for all tastes: music, choir, sports, debating, film, games. Clubs and activities vary depending on the time of year and our enrichment programme is published half termly. Every child and parent will be given a special log in to SOCS, our club and activity tracker where they will be able to sign up to clubs and opportunities.
Shakespeare School Festival
Open to students in all year groups, the Shakespeare Schools Festival gives students the opportunity to perform at Greenwich theatre in front of a live audience!
Summer Performances
This year sees Matilda the Musical going live at LSA. Each year the Drama, Dance and Music departments team up to give students the opportunity to audition and take part in our end of year show.
Digital Media Centre
Our digital media centre boasts state of the art equipment where students can learn the basics of filming, editing and other digital skills. Join a short film club or our school media team!
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Open to students in Key Stages 4&5 the DofE Award is extremely popular. Students can progress through Bronze, Silver and Gold Award programmes which increases their life skills, supports their leadership development and greatly enhances their c.v.s when applying for apprenticeships, university or employment.
Combined Cadet Force
Boys and Girls in Years 10 and above are eligible to join the academy’s newly formed Combined Cadet Force Unit, affiliated to the Royal Marines. Students who join the CCF will wear the uniform of the Royal Marines. The annual programme of training includes weekly training afternoons and external trips.