- Modules 1 & 2 – Abrahamic Faiths
- Modules 3 & 4 – Dharmic Faiths
- Modules 5 & 6 – Rites of Passage
At Leigh Stationers’ Academy we are committed to delivering an inclusive and knowledge rich Religious Studies curriculum that is academically rigorous and includes a range of views from a variety of religious and non-religious perspectives, encouraging students to think critically and reflectively about their own perspective and the perspective of others.
Through lessons we aim to:
- Develop a deep understanding of the origins of a wide range of religious and non-religious worldviews
- Consider practical application of religious perspectives in the modern world
- Encourage all students to challenge their perspective and question preconceptions- Consider practical application of religious perspectives in the modern world
- Encourage all students to challenge their perspective and question preconceptions
KS3: Religious Education
- Modules 1 & 2 –Religious Expression
- Modules 3 & 4 – Faith in the community
- Modules 5 & 6 –Faith in the world
- Module 1 – Religious Expression
- Module 2 – Meaning of Life
- Modules 3 & 4 – Faith in the community
- Module 5 –Philosophy
- Module 6 – Ethics
KS4: GCSE Religious Education
To provide a high quality study of world religions through a variation of evidence-informed pedagogical approaches example:
- Retrieval Practice
All lessons begin with a Do Now activity that is retrieval based. Retrieval tasks must aid students to draw on religious key terms and previous taught content. This ensures that students are up to date across both examination papers with the core content and skills needed. - Modelling, Scaffolding and Worked Examples
Procedural knowledge will be explicitly modelled to students to support metacognition. Teachers highlight how to achieve full marks in set questions and the structure that is needed. Students will also have an opportunity to see model examples and candidates’ responses to help them achieve their full potential. - Formative Assessment
Teachers will check for understanding multiple times a lesson. This may involve cold calling, probing questioning, process questioning, mini white boards and Google forms The teacher will use these checks to adapt their lesson as necessary.
To provide a high quality study of world religions as well as both classical and contemporary philosophy at key stage 5. To provide an education that is brimming with SMSC and creates learners who are open minded and think critically by default. The learning delivered in RE throughout all key stages will create young people who have a deep understanding of diversity and both compassion and empathy for people who belong to cultural and religious traditions different from their own.
Schedule of learning
- Module 1 – Islamic Beliefs
- Module 2 – Christian Beliefs
- Module 3 – Religion & life
- Module 4 – Christian practices
- Module 5 – Islamic practices
- Module 6 – Revision & consolidation
Schedule of learning
- Module 1 – Religion , peace & conflict
- Module 2 – Revision & crime and punishment
- Module 3 – Crime & punishment
- Module 4 – Revision paper 1
- Module 5 – Revision paper 2
- Module 6 – Consolidation & examination
Exam Board Information
- AQA Religious studies A
KS5: A Level Religious Education
Course Outline
- Plato
- Aristotle
- Soul, body, mind
- Arguments from observation
- Arguments from reason
- Religious experience
- The problem of evil
- Natural law
- Situation ethics
- Kantian ethics
- Utilitarianism
- Euthanasia
- Business ethics
- Augustine and human nature
- Death and the afterlife
- Knowledge of God’s existence
- Jesus Christian
- Christian moral principles
- Christian moral action: Bonhoeffer
- Nature of God
- Religious language
- 20th Century perspectives
- Meta ethics
- Conscience
- Sexual ethics
- Religious Pluralism
- Gender
- Secularism
- Liberation theology and Marxism
The Religious Studies A level course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to construct informed and balanced arguments in response to philosophical, ethical and theological dilemmas. Students will gain a rigorous understanding of knowledge, belief, and thought central to an understanding of both ancient arguments and issues within the modern world. Students will develop their critical analysis skills in order to help them make sense of contemporary events.
Exam Board Information
OCR A Level Religious Education
- Paper 1 – Philosophy of Religion
- Paper 2 – Religion and Ethics
- Paper 3 – Developments in Christian Thought
Additional Resources
- Pupils have access to an online membership of the Illuminate Publishing textbooks for AQA A level Psychology.