Dear SCWA Community,
As we conclude our first module of the academic year, I am filled with immense pride reflecting on the dedication, scholarship, and excellence our students and staff have displayed. Our pupils have tackled an astounding 33,520 knowledge assessment questions, and their scholarly behaviour has been celebrated with 25,172 positive logs. Such achievements wouldn’t be possible without the partnership between our academy and our parents/carers.
I wish you a wonderful half-term break and look forward to seeing our students at the start of module two on Monday, 6 November 2023, at 08:30. Our next latest news page update will be on Friday, 10 November 2023.
Looking ahead to module two, I urge you to mark your calendars for our upcoming events. From honouring our heroes on Remembrance Day to various information evenings tailored for specific year groups, these events aim to foster closer ties between SCWA and our wider community.
Best wishes,
Joseph Sparks | Principal, Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy
Module One at SCWA: A Snapshot by Numbers
As the first module at SCWA concludes, we pause to reflect on the achievements that have taken place. Here’s a numerical glimpse of the efforts and activities throughout the module:
- 33,520 – Knowledge acquisition assessment questions tackled by our pupils.
- 25,172 – Positive logs celebrating our pupils’ exemplary scholarly behaviour.
- 1,676 – Reports sent to parents/carers, ensuring transparency and collaboration.
- 240 – Pupils who took part in a residential trip, of which 70% were our newest Year 7 pupils getting their first taste of SCWA’s experiential learning.
- 27 – Competitive sports fixtures hosted or participated in, with a triumphant 15 wins showing off our athletic prowess.
Mr Sparks, Principal, said, “These figures aren’t just numbers; they highlight the tremendous work, dedication, and passion of our pupils, staff, and the unwavering support of our parents/carers. Well done to everyone involved, and here’s to the upcoming modules!”
Upcoming Events for Module Two: Mark Your Calendars!
As we transition into module two, we’re pleased to share a series of key events tailored for our parents and carers. We encourage you to note the following dates:
- Friday, 10 November 2023: SCWA Remembrance Day Service at 11:00. An event for all our pupils to commemorate and honour those who have served.
- Tuesday, 14 November 2023: Year 11 Information Evening. Join us from 17:00 to 18:30 to gain insights and updates relevant to our Year 11 pupils.
- Thursday, 16 November 2023: Year 7 Meet the Tutor Evening. A chance for parents and carers of Year 7 students to meet with tutors and discuss their child’s progress. The event will run from 16:00 to 19:00.
- Monday, 27 November 2023: INSET Day. Please note that the Academy will be closed to all pupils on this day for staff professional development.
- Thursday, 30 November 2023: Year 9 Parents’ Evening. An evening dedicated to discussing the academic progression of our Year 9 pupils.
Specific details for each event will be shared directly with the respective parents, carers, and pupils. We look forward to seeing you in module two.
Year 13 Economics Students Engage with Top Economists in Pall Mall

On Monday, 16 October 2023, a group of Year 13 Economics students had the opportunity to attend a conference at the iconic Royal Automobile Club in Pall Mall. Central to the event was a lecture by Sir Paul Tucker, whose discussion on ‘Monetary System Stability amid Global Discord’ provided a deep dive into current global economic perspectives.
With his vast experience stemming from the Bank of England, Sir Paul’s insights were invaluable. The students not only enhanced their knowledge but also broadened their horizons by interacting with professionals during a post-lecture networking session. Commenting on the students’ participation, the Director of Commerce, Ms Francis, said, “It was fantastic to see our students actively engaging in such a high-profile event. Their enthusiasm and proactive approach to both the lecture and networking showcased their dedication to their studies. The experience was not just academic; it also equipped them with connections that might shape their future careers in the field of economics. Well done to all involved!”
New Term, New Menu at the SCWA Restaurant!
As we start a new term, Cucina – our restaurant provider – has created a new menu. Curious about the new dishes? Click here to see the offerings.
Upcoming NGRT Reading Test: Assessing and Supporting Our Students’ Reading Skills
As part of our ongoing commitment to monitor and support our students’ reading, we’ve scheduled the NGRT (New Group Reading Test) for all students from Year 7 to Year 11. The NGRT is a reputable tool that assists us in evaluating their reading skills and understanding. This test is designed to gauge reading age, fluency, and comprehension and will take place during week one of module two. We’ve made arrangements to ensure the test fits seamlessly into our regular timetable, and your child’s teacher will soon communicate specific dates and times. Our primary aim is to use the results to further bolster your child’s reading abilities. Preparing for the test is straightforward: please ensure your child arrives at school on time with a charged Chromebook. Additionally, we request that they bring headphones for the test. We do have some spares available, but personal headphones would be preferred. For any concerns or queries, contact Mr Hill, Assistant Principal, at
Half-Term Intervention for Years 11 & 13: Personalised Support Ahead of Public Examinations
To ensure our Year 11 and 13 pupils are well-prepared for their upcoming public examinations, we’re offering tailored intervention sessions during the half-term break. While teachers have identified students who may benefit the most from these sessions, all Year 11 and 13 students are invited to participate. Details of the sessions can be found in our half-term timetable.
Targeted interventions will continue before and after school. Personalised timetables for these students will be crafted over the half-term and will be communicated by Friday, 3 November 2023.
IB MYP Coffee Morning: A Dive into the Programme
On Tuesday, 17 October 2023, we welcomed over 35 parents and carers for our MYP Coffee Morning. The session provided a comprehensive overview of the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP), touching on the IB Learner Profile, the curriculum structure, and the alignment of the MYP with our academy’s core values. Furthermore, parents/carers were given a clear understanding of the approaches to both learning and assessment within the MYP framework. For those who couldn’t make it, we’ve ensured that the presentation is accessible here.
Assistant Principal, Ms Barrowcliff, reflected on the event: “A warm thank you to all the parents who were able to attend and contribute to the success of this event. We hope that you found the session both informative and engaging, and we look forward to seeing you at future sessions.”
Industry Placements for T-Level Students at SCWA
Our T-level students in Digital Design and Finance are looking for industry placements to complement their studies. If anyone in our community works in digital design and/or finance and would be interested in supporting our pupils with their industry placement, please get in touch.
Digital Design Students: These students are interested in roles related to software development, IT support, and other tech sectors, bringing with them relevant training and knowledge.
Finance Students: They are seeking placements in areas offering financial advice, with an emphasis on investment banking. Their studies in finance make them well-prepared for such roles.
Points to Consider:
- These placements are unpaid.
- Role descriptions for both fields are available on request.
- If your business or contacts might have suitable opportunities, please consider helping our students gain practical experience.
For more information or to get the role descriptions, contact Assistant Principal, Mr Roche, on
Embracing the Future: KS3’s Revamped Personal Development Curriculum
Last Thursday, we invited KS3 parents and carers to an evening dedicated to understanding the updates to our Personal Development curriculum and to outline our plan for the academic year. The event was not just about sharing; we were also keen to listen. Parents had the chance to offer feedback which we’ll use to further refine the curriculum. The response was overwhelmingly positive. Here are a few of the many encouraging comments from our parents and carers:
- “The meeting was informative and useful.”
- “It’s refreshing to see such a strong focus on subjects outside of the traditional curriculum.”
- “Impressed with the age-appropriate delivery of this vital program.”
- “It’s comforting to know what life lessons are being taught. Thank you.”
- “The evening gave us a clearer picture of what our child will learn in PSHE. The effort behind both the presentation and the actual lessons is commendable.”
We’re grateful for such an engaged parent community and look forward to continued collaboration.