SCWA Latest News Updates | Friday, 22nd September 2023

Photo of SCWA Building

Dear SCWA Community,

I am delighted to share with you the highlights of a week that has truly exemplified our Academy’s core values of scholarship, fellowship, and leadership.

Our Year 9 pupils have recently returned from a remarkable excursion to the Isle of Wight, where they engaged in an array of adventurous activities and team-building exercises. This trip not only fostered fellowship amongst our students but also showcased their diverse talents and unity, creating lasting memories and building essential life skills.

Our commitment to fostering scholarship is further underlined by the completion of the first series of knowledge acquisition assessments. The assessments are part of our continued efforts to gauge and enhance our students’ understanding of core content, and the positive feedback received is indicative of their dedication to learning.

Lastly, the unveiling of the SCWA Enrichment Programme is a testament to our commitment to fostering personal growth and providing a well-rounded education. The diverse range of opportunities available is designed to significantly enrich your child’s learning experience, and I encourage parents and carers to explore and sign up for these activities.

Warm regards,

Joseph Sparks | Principal, Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy

Year 9 Pupils Explore the Isle of Wight

Group of students with oares
Students sat around a firepit
Group of students at the beach
Students on a minibus
Student with a bow and arrow
Students on a highropes
Students sat in front of a mini bus

Last weekend, a group of 45 Year 9 pupils, accompanied by the 2012 PE Team, embarked on an adventurous journey to the Isle of Wight. The weekend was filled with a blend of adventure, team-building exercises, and sporting challenges designed to foster fellowship, develop skills, and create lasting memories.

Day 1 saw our pupils diving into a series of group activities. From testing their precision in archery to climbing Jacob’s Ladder and soaring through the air on a zip-wire, the day was packed with excitement and laughter. The afternoon brought a different kind of challenge as the students donned their wetsuits for raft building – a task that proved to be both fun and, for one raft, a bit of a splash! Despite the weather turning on Day 2, the spirits of our aspiring athletes remained unbroken. Although some activities were abandoned, the team showcased remarkable adaptability, taking shelter and making the most of the situation while waiting for a delayed ferry ride home. 

Reflecting on the experience, Trip Leader, Ms Blayney, said, “We, the 2012 staff, unanimously agreed that this group of pupils showcased numerous strengths in their respective sports. The weekend was a testament to the diverse talents within our student body, and witnessing such a display of skill, unity, and camaraderie was truly a pleasure. We eagerly look forward to seeing these talented athletes continue to grow and excel in their sporting endeavours.”

Year 12 University and Apprenticeship Fair

We are pleased to announce that our Year 12 students have an opportunity to attend the University and Apprenticeship Fair at Tottenham Stadium on Thursday, 19 October 2023. With a limited 150 student places available, this event promises to be both exciting and informative, serving as a valuable platform for our students to explore a myriad of post-school options. 

The fair will host a plethora of institutions, enabling our Arden students to interact with representatives from Russell Group and red-brick universities, as well as specialist and modern institutions. In addition, students will have the chance to engage with some of the UK’s leading apprenticeship providers, higher education colleges, specialist institutions, and various student-related organisations. 

We encourage parents and carers who received letters on Friday, 22 September 2023, to sign up for their child as soon as possible. If you have any questions or queries regarding the Year 12 University and Apprenticeship Fair, please do not hesitate to contact Assistant Principal Mr Antonio Duran at

Personal Development Information Evening for KS3 Parents/Carers

We are delighted to extend an invitation to all KS3 parents and carers to join us for an informative evening dedicated to discussing the new PSHE curriculum, entitled ‘Personal Development’. This event is scheduled to take place on Thursday, 19 October 2023, from 5 pm to 7 pm and is structured to give parents and carers an in-depth understanding of the curriculum that will shape the personal and social education of their children.

The evening aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the curriculum plan, showcasing the resources and materials that will be utilised. It serves as an excellent platform for parents and carers to gain insights, raise queries, and engage in constructive discussions about the curriculum’s objectives and methodologies. To accommodate everyone and ensure focused interactions, we have allocated specific time slots for each year group as follows:

  • Year 7: 5 pm – 5.30 pm
  • Year 8: 5.45 pm – 6.15 pm
  • Year 9: 6.30 pm – 7 pm

“We encourage parents and carers to utilise this opportunity to foster a collaborative relationship with us in nurturing the personal development of our students,” said Ms Collier, Head of Arden. “Your participation and feedback are invaluable as we strive to deliver a curriculum that contributes to the holistic growth and well-being of our pupils. We look forward to welcoming you and working together to create a supportive and enriching learning environment for our students.”

Assessment Achievements: First Round of Knowledge Tests Completed

This week marked a significant milestone for our students as they completed their first series of knowledge acquisition assessments across all subjects. These multiple-choice assessments have been designed to examine pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the core content featured in their knowledge acquisition booklets. The booklets are integral components of the Academy’s approach to homework.

Reflecting on the week, Assistant Principal Mr Kay commented, “The initial feedback from the pupils has been positive. Despite the understandable nerves surrounding the assessments, our students have risen to the challenge. Additionally, we have engaged in fruitful discussions with both parents/carers and pupils on ways to enhance the upcoming second knowledge acquisition booklet. This booklet is scheduled to launch on Monday, 2 October 2023, and will be in use until week three of module two.”

For pupils who may have missed any of their knowledge assessments, catch-up opportunities will be available during tutor time next week. This ensures that we can provide parents/carers with a comprehensive report of scores by the end of the following week. 

Coming Soon: The SCWA Enrichment Programme

SCWA Enrichment Programme

Next week, parents/carers will have an opportunity to sign their child up for a range of enrichment opportunities as we launch our SCWA Enrichment Programme. Details of the SCWA Enrichment Programme can be found here, which details a variety of activities designed to significantly enhance your child’s learning experience and foster personal growth.

The sign-up window for the Enrichment Programme will be open from Friday, 22 September 2023, to Friday, 29 September 2023, providing you with an opportunity to explore the diverse range of opportunities available. Please make a note in your calendars, as the activities are scheduled to commence on Monday, 2 October 2023. Enrolment for the Enrichment Programme activities can be completed using the SOCS app. Information regarding the use of this app has already been dispatched to the parents/carers of Year 7 students.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification regarding our Enrichment Programme, please do not hesitate to contact Assistant Principal Mr Antonio Duran at