Livery Company Projects

Our links with the Stationers’ Company means our students are involved in a wide range of Livery Company Projects and opportunities across the curriculum.


The City of London is planning major celebrations in 2016 to mark the 350th anniversary of the Great Fire, which occurred between 2nd and 5th September 1666. The Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers of London worked with 10 London secondary schools who are supported by City Livery Companies. Each school was asked to design a piece of glass artwork on the theme of the Great Fire, in collaboration with a glass artist, allocated to the school. The artist then made the final piece. The artworks were displayed in London and the Glass Sellers Company selected an overall winner.”

We were honoured to be asked to be part of this project. The idea of working with the established artist Ruth Dupre was very exciting and we also enjoyed meeting after school every Monday to create our own artworks based on the Great Fire of London.

We discussed what we knew already about the Fire: that it had started in a bakery; destroyed a large part of London; and Samuel Pepys wrote a diary documenting the events. We learnt new facts and watched videos of forest fires and noted how quick and unpredictable the flames were. At the time of the Great Fire, houses were built closely together so the fire spread quickly. We also learnt that St Paul’s Cathedral was destroyed and rebuilt afterwards by Sir Christopher Wren.

We were surprised to learn that only six deaths had been documented and thought of the many who must have been cremated by the fiery monster. We also discussed how London would have been in a state of terror, despair and panic. At least 650,000 people had lost their homes and with no insurance were forced to camp in fields around the city. Contact then was by word of mouth so it is not surprising that so many went missing and remained undocumented. We all felt it was important to remember these poor souls when creating our own work and discussing our ideas with the artist.

The work created to our brief by the artist Ruth Dupre has been donated to our school and will be displayed in Mr Millar’s office. We would like to thank everyone involved in this wonderful project.  Ms Mcleod


Twenty one of our year 9 students took part in an exciting art project entitled ‘Echoes Across The Centuries’. The project  commemorates the centenary of the First World War and was conceived by the Heritage artist Jane Churchill.  It is funded by the National Lottery and includes 15 London secondary and primary schools working with the artist and was supported by 16 London-based Livery companies.

The focus of the project is the supply chain to the war using the history of Livery Companies and a heritage object from WW1 as starting points for a series of workshops led by the artist.

Our students visited The Stationers’ Hall as the starting point for their project. Whilst there they had a guided tour and a slideshow presentation of actual photographs from WW1 and spent the rest of the day drawing from the various artefacts on display as well as a whistle stop drawing of St.Paul’s Cathedral.

During the day students also visited The St. Bride’s Printing Foundation, where the students were able to set up their own prints and have a go on the original presses.

On their return to school the students had five days of intensive workshops in William Morris working with the artist to produce final pieces based on World War I posters that will eventually be on display in The Guild Hall in April 2017. All students from the 15 schools involved will be invited to the exhibition along with their parents and will have a chance to see the other work that will have been produced.

“This has been a fantastic opportunity for the students who thoroughly enjoyed their experience of working with an artist. Their work is brilliant; each very different and has already been warmly and enthusiastically received by parents and teachers in a mini exhibition in school at the end of September. On behalf of the students and the Art Department I would like to thank The Stationers’ for their support in making our participation in this project possible.” said Janina Zagloba, Head of Art Dept.