SCWA Latest News Updates | Friday, 24 May 2024

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Dear SCWA Community, 

This module at SCWA has been truly remarkable, filled with activities that reflect our values of scholarship, fellowship, and leadership.

Our Year 11 and 13 students have exemplified scholarship by tackling their public examinations with confidence and dedication. In sports, the spirit of fellowship has been evident, with our Year 8/9 Girls Football Team and Year 7 Netball Team both achieving victories in their respective tournaments, the Blackheath Cup Final and the Greenwich Schools Tournament. Leadership has also been a prominent theme of this module, showcased by our Young Enterprise Team who secured three trophies at the semi-finals and led their business venture, KoolKats, to runner-up status in last week’s final. 

If you thought the last five weeks were busy, then wait until you see what’s happened this week…

On Monday, our Year 12 students visited Regent’s Park College, Oxford University, where they gained valuable insights into university life and the application process, preparing them for future academic and leadership roles. Meanwhile, our Combined Cadet Force (CCF) successfully completed weapon handling training at the Royal Marines Reserve in Wandsworth. Additionally, a group of Year 8 pupils embarked on an alpaca walking adventure in the Kent countryside, enhancing their confidence and fostering a connection with nature.

The stories from across this module highlight the vast array of academic, sporting, and extracurricular opportunities available to our students at SCWA. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to our dedicated staff, who work tirelessly to provide these exceptional opportunities, to our students who eagerly seize them, and to our parents/carers for their continued support. 

I wish our community a wonderful half-term break; while I will see many Year 11 and 13 pupils at SCWA next week for our programme of half-term revision sessions, I look forward to welcoming all students back to the academy for the start of module six on Monday, 3 June 2024.

Best wishes,
Joseph Sparks | Principal, Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy

Upcoming Parent Events for Module Six at SCWA

Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy has a vibrant schedule of events planned for module six. Here are four after-school events for parents and carers to note in their diaries. Further details about each event will be provided on our latest news page updates throughout the module.

  • Thursday, 13 June 2024: Year 10 Parents’ Evening. An opportunity for parents and carers to discuss their child’s progress with teachers.
  • Wednesday, 26 June 2024: Classics to Pop – Summer Music Concert. Join us for an evening of musical performances ranging from classical pieces to contemporary pop.
  • Thursday, 27 June 2024: Year 12 Parents’ Evening. This evening provides a chance for discussions about students’ progression and preparation for their final year.
  • Thursday, 11 July 2024: High School Musical Evening Performance. Enjoy a night of entertainment as our students showcase their talents in this popular musical.

These events are important opportunities for community engagement and student support. Please mark these dates in your diary, and stay tuned for more information on each event as we move closer to the dates.

Year 12 Students Visit Regent’s Park College, Oxford University

Last week, a group of Year 12 students from Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy, The Halley Academy, and Leigh Academy Blackheath visited Regent’s Park College at Oxford University. The students were greeted by Ken Amor, Admissions Officer and Lecturer at the University of Oxford, who provided an insight on applying to Oxford, student life, and the university’s history. The visit included a Q&A session with a first-year student from Regent’s Park College, offering a glimpse into a typical week at Oxford—covering academics, accommodation, meals, and social life. After lunch in the college dining hall, the students participated in a critical thinking discussion and toured the college’s chapel, buildings, and beautiful gardens, where they met the college’s resident tortoise.

The day concluded with a formal tour of the historic buildings and gardens of the neighbouring Keble College, as well as the extensive university library.

Student feedback from the trip to Regent’s Park College was overwhelmingly positive. Ria shared her enthusiasm, stating, “The trip was really enjoyable, and we learnt a lot about admissions tests and what makes a successful Oxbridge candidate. I will definitely take part in the upcoming open day!” Nkechi found the experience particularly informative: “It was an educational experience, and they gave us great tips on what a good personal statement should include.” Omaima also expressed her fondness for the visit, saying, “I really loved the trip and would love to explore Oxford more!” These reflections highlight the trip’s impact in motivating and informing our students about the opportunities at Oxford University.

Young Enterprise Success at Regional Finals

The Young Enterprise team from Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy achieved success at the Regional Finals, securing the runner-up position after a strong performance in the area finals. The competition was intense, and the team was commended for their exceptional presentation, earning them the ‘Best Presentation Award’.

Their enterprise, KoolKats, which specialises in cat products, proved to be highly successful, generating a profit of over £500. This achievement earned praise from notable figures including the Chair of BLLP Law Group and judges who are directors of Corporate Financial Companies.

Mr Sandhu, the team’s teacher, expressed his pride, stating, “I am so proud of the group; they learned valuable life skills which they can carry into their careers.” The team also received support from our school governor, Barry Jones, who attended and supported the group during their presentation.

Students and staff at Young Enterprise regional finals

Omimina, the Managing Director of KoolKats, reflected on the experience: “It was an experience that will develop me for the future. I learned the importance of teamwork, leadership, and communication. It has been a great journey for the team which we have enjoyed very much.” This accomplishment highlights the dedication and entrepreneurial spirit of our students and underscores the value of the Young Enterprise programme in fostering practical business and leadership skills.

Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy Cadets Excel in Weapon Handling

Thirteen pupils from Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy’s Combined Cadet Force (CCF) participated in a ‘Skill at Arms’ training day at the Royal Marines Reserve in Wandsworth, where they successfully passed their weapon handling tests. Major Jeremy Wilson, CCF Contingent Commander, commented, “This accomplishment showcases the dedication and skill of our cadets, further emphasising the rigorous training and discipline instilled through the CCF program. Their success is a testament to their hard work and commitment.”

Cadets lying on the floor with prop guns

Year 8 Students Embark on Alpaca Walking Adventure

On Monday, 20 May 2024, six Year 8 students from Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy enjoyed an alpaca walking excursion in the Kent countryside. Ms Blayney, the Trip Leader, shared, “With sunny weather and a beautiful Kent countryside setting, our students trekked through fields and woodlands. Each student paired with an alpaca learned to walk alongside and communicate with these gentle animals, gaining trust and confidence. This enjoyable experience deepened the students’ connection with nature and was touching, making it hard for them to say goodbye to their new friends at the end of the day.”

Half-Term Revision Sessions

As we approach the half-term break, we have planned a series of revision sessions to support our Year 11 and Year 13 students as they prepare for their upcoming examinations. The schedule of half-term revision sessions for Year 11 can be found here and for Year 13 can be found here.

Sessions will continue as previously arranged. Pupils can access the school site via the service road. Pupils are allowed to bring light refreshments to keep themselves energised during the sessions. Additionally, they may wear their own clothes, ensuring they are appropriate and comfortable for studying.

Please encourage your child to take full advantage of these sessions to enhance their preparation for the exams.

Year 11 Examination & Warm-Up Arrangements for Module 6

Following the May half-term, Year 11 pupils at Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy will have a revised schedule. Pupils will be on study leave, required to come into school only for their subject-specific revision sessions. Examination timings will remain consistent, with morning exams starting at 08:30 and afternoon exams at 12:45. Additionally, pupils will have access to the library for supervised study throughout the school day when they are not in revision sessions.

The complete schedule for the first week of module six is available here. This schedule includes all necessary details to ensure that our Year 11 students are fully prepared and supported during their examination period.

Year 13 Examination & Warm-Up Arrangements for Module 6

Following the May half-term, Year 13 students will have a revised schedule. Students will not be required to attend the academy daily but will need to come in for their examinations and scheduled subject warm-up sessions. The warm-up and examination plan for the first week can be found here

Ms Collier, Head of Arden, said: “This arrangement allows our students to focus intensively on their preparation in a structured yet flexible manner, accommodating their study needs effectively as they conclude their final exams. We strongly encourage all Year 13 students to attend each of the subject warm-up sessions. These sessions are designed to provide thorough preparation for the upcoming examinations, ensuring students are well-equipped and confident.”

For safeguarding and health and safety purposes, all students are required to sign in and out at the Arden reception each time they arrive or leave the academy site.

Reminder: Summer Examinations SCWA

For detailed information on all scheduled exams, including dates and times, please refer to the complete examination timetable for Summer 2024. Sixth Form (GCE) examinations are highlighted in blue, while Year 11 (GCSE/Vocational) subjects are displayed in white.

This timetable ensures that all students are aware of their examination schedules and can prepare accordingly. We wish all our students the best of luck in their upcoming examinations.

Summer Examinations Timetable 2024