SCWA Latest News Updates | Module 6 Week 5

Dear SCWA Community,

As we come to the end of another week at SCWA, I am delighted to reflect on the experiences that have truly exemplified our values of scholarship, fellowship, and leadership.

This week, we opened our doors to welcome our new Year 7 pupils and their families for the Year 6 Transition Evening. It was heartening to see such active engagement from our future learners. We discussed our International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme, our exceptional pastoral care, and the plethora of extracurricular opportunities available to our new Year 7 pupils.

Our Duke of Edinburgh program continues to impress. Ninety Year 9 pupils completed their Bronze expedition last weekend, demonstrating remarkable teamwork, fellowship and leadership. This weekend, seventy Year 10 students will undertake their Silver DofE expedition, and we wish them every success.

Lastly, we were thrilled to commemorate our 30th visit to Disneyland Paris. This shared celebration of anniversaries was a testament to the long-standing fellowship that SCWA has fostered. The experience, as reported by Ms Blayney and Ms Kalote, was nothing short of extraordinary, serving as a testament to our students’ joyful spirit and good behaviour.

In all these endeavours, our students have shown their dedication to scholarship, their spirit of fellowship, and their aptitude for leadership. In this week’s latest news page updates, I will also provide parents/carers with an update on the planned industrial action that is taking place on Wednesday, 5 and Friday, 7 July 2023.

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Best wishes,
Joseph Sparks | Principal, Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy

Industrial Action on Wednesday, 5 and Friday, 7 July 2023

You will be aware from media reports that the National Education Union (NEU) is planning to continue with its industrial action. The next strike days will take place on Wednesday, 5 and Friday, 7 July 2023.

As per the previous strike days, this planned industrial action is a result of a national dispute between the unions and the government, and not specifically Leigh Academies Trust or Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy. We, of course, respect the rights of our staff, and we will respond accordingly in the interests of our pupils. In anticipation of this action, our intention remains to minimise disruption and ensure that vulnerable students and the children of key workers can still attend school in person.

The table below outlines the arrangements for both days:

Wednesday, 5 July 2023

Friday, 7 July 2023

Pupils Working On-Site

Year 6 (Transition) and Year 12

Years 10 and 12

Pupils Working Remotely

Years 7, 8, 9 and 10

Years 7, 8 and 9

Vulnerable students and the children of key workers will be able to attend the Academy as normal. They will join their classmates in virtual learning under the supervision of our staff. Break and lunch times will operate as normal. If you are a key worker, please complete this Google Form to confirm whether your child will attend on these strike days. If you do not require a place for your child, they can attend virtually with other students.

If your child receives free school meals, you are welcome to collect a packed lunch from the Main Reception of the Academy between 12.00-1.00 pm on these days.

If you have any questions or concerns about the alternative arrangements outlined above, please contact the academy at

SCWA’s Successful Year 6 Transition Evening

On Thursday, we open our doors to 240 of our new Year 7 pupils and their parents/carers for our Year 6 Transition Evening. This event was designed to ease the transition to secondary school, offering our future pupils and their families a glimpse into life at Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy (SCWA).

Mr Sparks, Principal, provided information about the school’s International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP), as well as the exceptional pastoral care and wide range of extracurricular activities, trips and visits that are on offer. In addition, pupils also got to see their new uniform and take part in short one-to-one appointments to gain a deeper understanding of life at SCWA.

Mr Sparks reflected on the evening by saying, “I was delighted with the engagement from both our new pupils and their parents/carers. Transitioning to secondary school can stir a blend of excitement and apprehension. We completely understand these feelings, and are committed to working together to prepare our students for a successful start in September.”

SCWA looks forward to welcoming our new Year 7 pupils on Wednesday, 5 July 2023, for the Year 6 Transition Day.

SCWA Awarded Royal Institution Grant for STEM Programs

We are delighted to announce that Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy (SCWA) has been awarded a grant by The Royal Institution. Following a successful application, we have received £800 in funding, which will be directed towards enhancing our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) enrichment programs in the forthcoming academic year of 2023/24.

Upon receiving the news, Mr Khan, Assistant Principal, expressed his enthusiasm, saying, “This grant not only affirms the hard work and dedication we put into our STEM programs but also gives us the resources to take these programs to the next level. We are excited about the opportunities this funding presents, and we look forward to making the most of it in the upcoming academic year.”

We are grateful to The Royal Institution for this grant, and we are excited to continue fostering a culture of innovation, curiosity, and creativity through our STEM programs.

Exciting Developments in Our Duke of Edinburgh Program

Last weekend, 90 of our Year 9 pupils completed their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) expedition. This is a crucial component of the DofE Bronze Award, which requires pupils to plan, train for, and undertake a two-day, one-night expedition in a rural country setting. Pupils must be self-sufficient and work together as a team to navigate the journey and set up camp.

Assistant Principal, Joe Spark, offered his reflections on the expedition, saying, “These students have demonstrated exceptional commitment, resilience and teamwork. The expedition is a demanding aspect of the DofE program, and their success is a testament to their determination.”

We also extend our congratulations to Mellia, Tyler and Amy from Year 13, who have recently taken on the important role of DofE assessors. Looking ahead, we are excited to share that 70 of our Year 10 students are set to embark on their Silver DofE expedition this weekend. This is a step up from the Bronze expedition and requires three days and two nights in the wild. We wish them every success and look forward to sharing their accomplishments in our next update.

Upcoming KS3 Trips: Frozen the Musical and Harry Potter Studio Tour

We’re delighted to confirm that the Key Stage 3 trips scheduled for this week will proceed as planned. On Wednesday, 5 July 2023, students will have the opportunity to experience the enchanting world of Frozen the Musical. Then on Friday, 7 July 2023, we’ll step into the magical realm of the Harry Potter Studio Tour. Detailed information about the day’s events, including departure times, return times, and necessary provisions, has been outlined in a letter previously sent to all involve

SCWA Marks 30th Visit to Disneyland Paris in Shared Anniversary Celebration

Last Wednesday, 50 pupils returned from a visit to Disneyland Paris. This trip represented the school’s 30th journey to the iconic amusement park and the park’s 30th anniversary.  From 26 to 28 June 2023, the pupils, accompanied by six members of staff, embarked on this adventure together. The group had the privilege of experiencing the park’s newest attraction, the Avengers Campus, which captivated everyone and left a lasting impression.

Reflecting on the trip, Ms Blayney, the Trip Organiser, praised the students’ behaviour and enthusiasm, stating, “The group this year were brilliant, and they were a credit to the Academy. I would not hesitate in taking them away again.” Ms Kalote, Assistant Principal, shared her thoughts on the anniversary visit, saying, “The 30th-anniversary visit to Disneyland Paris by SCWA was undoubtedly a memorable and thrilling experience for all involved. It serves as a testament to the enduring magic of both the park and the school.”

Year 7 Maths Stars Shine in Maths Week London Competition

Our Year 7(MEY) pupils made an impressive showing in a city-wide contest, part of the Maths Week London festivities, finishing just shy of the top spot. Competing against 159 other schools, our students used the SumDog games-based adaptive learning app to showcase their maths skills, collectively answering over 9,000 questions in an intensive competition round.

Assistant Principal and Maths Teacher for 7MEY, Hayder Khan, was overjoyed by the students’ achievement. He said, “A massive congratulations to my fantastic students on their noteworthy success. Their dedication, teamwork, and robust mathematical skills were commendable, and I couldn’t be prouder of their achievements.” To celebrate their achievement, a special treat of jam doughnuts was served to all 7MEY students this Thursday.

Module 6, Weeks 3 & 4 Commendations

The following five pupils in Ashdown, Sherwood and Delamere have achieved the highest number for module six, weeks three and four.





Archie H

Isabelle D

Scarlett H


Jeremih S

Erowo E

Sam B


Grace S

Henry J

Rayyan A


Tyler B

Olivia R

Abdul-rahman (Year 7) 13 points

Taite M


Alfie A

Beau A

Maxime P